Core Concepts

Here are a few basic concepts that will make using Reportobello a bit easier.


At the core of Reportobello are templates. Templates are Typst files that are used for creating reports.

For reports to be useful, they need data. When building the report, Reportobello puts your JSON data in a global variable called data:

#import "@rpbl/util:0.0.1": *

Gross earnings: $

In this example, @rpbl/util is a Typst package which provides the data global variable, along with other util functions. To see all of the functions/variables this package provides, click here. The package is versioned to prevent newer versions from breaking existing functionality.

If you can't (or don't want to) use the @rpbl/util package for whatever reason, you can alternatively load the JSON data directly. Reportobello stores the JSON data for building the report in a file called data.json which your report can load and use:

#let data = json("data.json")

Gross earnings: $


Reports are PDFs that are built from templates. Reports also have some metadata like when they were built, who built them, etc.

In the event that a report failed to build, you can use the API to get recently built reports and diagnose why they failed.

Environment Variables

Often times you have data that is shared between lots of reports, for example, your company name, phone number, etc. Environment variables are ways to inject key-value pairs into all your templates.

For example, if you set the key company_name to ACME Corp., you can use that value in your reports like so:

Company Name: #sys.inputs.company_name

Using environment variables has lots of advantages:

  • One source of truth: Updating your values in one place will update them globally
  • Less hard-coding: Using environment variables means less hard coded data in your templates and applications
  • Less bandwidth: Storing these values server-side means that you don't have to re-send them along with your report data

You don't have to use environment variables, but they are there if you need/want them.

Reportobello currently does not support namespaced env vars, meaning all reports will be able to see all env vars. We are working on adding namespaces so that env vars are only scoped to specific reports or groups of reports.